Pretty, Striking or Cute?


While the perfect descriptor of a dress, the word “pretty” is overused.

“That’s a pretty dress” I overheard years ago at a party. I turned around to discover that it was said to a woman in a one-shoulder bronze gown worn with a thick encrusted cuff bracelet. While she looked stunning, “pretty” was entirely the wrong word.


It was at this moment that I thought that it would help my clients working on their wardrobes if they had vocabulary for what they were looking for.

So, here is a cheat sheet on the most common styles of dresses, and some ways to articulate them.


Elongates the body, with an uninterrupted line: the dress that incorporates draping and gathering, inspired by Grecian style.


Perky and crisp: the dress with a Peter Pan Collar, piped seams or a bow on the belt.


Simple lines, uncomplicated, pleasing to the eye, and balanced in line, in a solid or mid-contrast print.


An old world feeling, featuring characteristics of styling or fabric from another era, such as a long velvet gown, or a bustle effect.


Possessing a theatrical quality, such as a bell sleeve, one-shoulder or an asymmetrical hem.


Minimalist style, unadorned and architectural or a simple shape featuring a high contrast graphic print.


Utilizing elements of cultures other than your own, such as Balinese prints, South American fabrics, or Indian beadwork.

Which dress are you shopping for?


Visits to Warsaw, Poland and Charlotte, North Carolina added to David’s Travel Schedule!

The Spring/Summer Schedule has been expanded to include twelve cities in the US and Europe!

David is based in New York City but frequently travels throughout the US and Europe.

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Here is the current schedule of upcoming cities where he will be offering private Color Your Style Custom Color Palettes for men and women as well as Custom Color Palette Extensions, Shopping, Ultimate Style Sessions and the new Wardrobe Recharge and Color Your Home Sessions!

May 24-25 Stockholm, SE

May 26-31 Oslo, NO

June 1-2 Copenhagen, DK

June 3-9 London, ENG

June 10-14 Amsterdam, NL

June 15-18 Warsaw, PL

June 19-20 Prague, CZ

June 21-23 Vienna, AT

July 8-12 Los Angeles, CA

July 13-15 Ann Arbor, MI

July 16-17 Chicago, IL

July 18-19 Charlotte, NC

About a session:
 An initial private two hour Custom Color Palette includes a one-of-a-kind custom color palette 
as well as in-depth information on fabrics, patterns, silhouette, historical periods, hair, make-up, etc…This is “the plan” that will be used for all future shopping.

Click on the Services button for more information and additional services.

For rates and to book an appointment, please contact Alex at

If you have a city that you would like David to visit, please submit it.

Going Grey…..or not!

Research shows that by age fifty-six, there is an eighty-six per cent chance that your hair will have at least some grey in it.

When your once raven-colored hair is now speckled with wisps of silver, do you cover or embrace it?


The answer: It is a personal choice.

While nothing beats the natural harmony of your eyes, hair and skin…you are wearing the hair and need to be comfortable in it.

If you do decide to color it, remember it is something that you will be wearing every day, a permanent accessory, so choose wisely. Dying your hair properly is both an art and a science — you want it to complement your skin tone, but you also want to stay away from the color it was when you were a child. Returning to the hair color you had when you were seven will end up looking very harsh. Shoot for the softer shades of your true tones, and be sure to give the hair depth, achieved with both highlights and lowlights.

Remember that by embracing the platinum, silver or oyster tones in your hair or covering them, there is going to be a shift in the balance of your coloring.  You may discover that some of  your favorite colors in clothing and makeup now look a bit strident, or are not as dynamic as they once were. Take this opportunity to cast an objective eye over everything in your closet and makeup case. Clothing in your closet that is not worn and makeup on your vanity that is not applied has no value, so make the necessary edits and free up space for clothing and makeup in your True Colors!

Discover your Best Shopping Day!

Once you have discovered your True Colors and Authentic Style it is time to shop for them! Which day of the week is best for specific types of shopping? Check out my interview below!


Inspirations & Celebrations Loves How to Win at Shopping!

Inspirations & Celebrations has selected How to Win at Shopping for their 2016 Mother’s Day Gift Guide!

How to Win at Shopping

How to Win at Shopping is an insider guide for everyone from the fashionista to those who tend to avoid retail. The book gives readers the scoop on ways to better navigate shopping experiences, ranging from department stores and boutiques to online retailers and even thrift stores. This little gold guidebook features 297 valuable tips that help mom win at shopping!

Signed copies of the book are available on this website.