Your Pre-Shopping Game Plan!
Posted by David Zyla | Filed under News and Updates
The shops are filled with fresh Spring 2018 merchandise and you want to shop! Before you do, I suggest that you create a pre-shopping game plan with these tips from How to Win at Shopping:
-Prior to shopping, always assess what you need and remind yourself of what you already own. It can be very frustrating buying something only to realize later that you have a similar item in your closet. This happens more often than one would think. Many of us tend to buy the same types of garments over and over again. But really, how many black sweaters can (and should) one have?
-Sometimes the best shopping plan can come from your current closet. No matter what
you think of your present wardrobe, it holds many of your past triumphs. these pieces and outfits should be used as clues to find the perfect items you should be shopping for, ones that are completely authentic to you. Think of your clothes like costumes in a film you are starring in. Ask yourself what they say about your “character,” then make sure that all future purchases connect with and illustrate that vision.
-Always snap photos of yourself wearing favorite items in your closet to use as visual reference on your shopping trip. These photos will not only inspire and infuence your purchases, but they’ll also help discern things like length, proportion, and fullness. Why wonder how the length of a skirt compares to your favorite back home when you can just reference a photo on your phone? This also works when shopping for accessories. There is no reason to question whether an accessory will complement an outfit when you can easily bring along a picture.
-Collecting pictures from magazines and blogs and compiling your own “style file” will always open you up to shopping a wider array of looks. Start a folder, either physical or digital, with styles you like on others that might also work on you. You will begin to see patterns and will be able to more easily identify similar items when shopping.
-Do some research before any and all shopping trips, and you will always have better results. Researching can save you time, money, and possible frustration. Searching online, making a phone call, or just asking around will help you discern which outlets are worth a long drive, the range of price points at a nearby department store, the probability of designer labels at a new consignment shop, or the opening time of an online flash sale.