Your Archetype!
Posted by David Zyla | Filed under News and Updates
After discovering your True Colors, it is time to discover your Archetype!
When I was first studying color and style, the four seasons approach had just come into vogue.
I loved the four seasons approach, but to me, it was incomplete. How could you confuse the rusty brick and oyster of an Antique Winter with the bright blue-red and alabaster of a Classic Winter, or mistake the deep teals and burnt rose tones of a Dusky Summer for the sky blues and gentle aquamarinesof an Iridescent Summer? I could see significant variations within each season, subtypes whose color choices differed from one another, often quite dramatically.
For example, both the Vital Spring and the Tawny Spring partake of the youthful, vigorous, playful energies of their signature season. But a Vital Spring’s Archetype is the Prom Queen. She’s born to be the center of attention, the popular girl, the one who pulls a party together, and her palette glistens like a burgeoning flowerbed, with its clear pink, kelly green, and blueberry. Tawny Spring is a Maverick, a quirky self-starter who’s usually listening to the beat of her own distant drummer. She may not even show up at the prom, and if she does, she may bring that drummer with her and dance to an entirely different rhythm than everybody else! Her palette expresses another side of spring, with its orange coral and robin egg blue. Both are Springs—but their Archetypes help define the precise colors and styles that are right for them.
Once you discover your Color Your Style Palette, working with a partner or friend to definitively pinpoint your Archetype is a great idea. Identifying your Archetype will help you recognize the colors, accessories, and other style choices that are best designed to reveal your personality.
Check out my Pinterest boards of the twenty four archetypes to give you an even better understanding!