Perfect Holiday Packing

Are you traveling out of town this holiday season?  If so, minimize time and money spent at the airport (and look absolutely fantastic the entire trip) with my advice on how and what to pack in a carryon bag.

We all possess in our natural coloring a unique set of True Colors. These are the tones found in our eyes, hair, and skin, which make us “pop” and look alive when we wear them. By assembling versatile pieces in a tight palette of these most flattering colors, we not only look fantastic but avoid the risk of overpacking. The best and most versatile travel wardrobe is one created with a trio of these “True Colors,” consisting of a neutral or “ 1st Base,” an “Energy” tone, and a “Dramatic” color.

To find out which neutral color to pack, look at the ring around your iris. What color do you see? It will be a dark neutral, possibly even black. You might see charcoal, olive, navy, chocolate, or eggplant. Use this base color in various shades for the basic wardrobe pieces for your trip such as skinny jeans, a coat, dress, and heels. Remember that this color is a neutral and while it supports and flatters your coloring, it does not “do” anything such as give your skin an extra glow or pop your eyes. Therefore, you should add two more colors to your travel wardrobe that will do exactly that.

The second color for your wardrobe should be an “Energy” color that pops your eyes. Use the darkest color in your iris. Some candidates for this color include slate, rust, grass, butterscotch, and pine. In brown eyes, it is not always an obvious color, so try putting swatches or clothing items up to your eyes to see colors like marigold, eggplant, and olive appear. Use this “Energy” color in a sweater, blouse, and scarf or tie. The color makes you look friendly and approachable and takes little effort to wear.

Finally, to add a bit of pop to your basic wardrobe pieces, employ your “Dramatic” color. This color is the greatest contrast to your skin, and therefore the most dramatic. It is found by looking at the veins on the inside of your wrist. This color will no doubt be a version of green, blue, and purple and can range from kelly to emerald, turquoise to periwinkle, and royal to grape. This is the perfect color to employ for your most festive “look at me” attire and great to use in a dress, sweater, or jewelry.

The perfect way to pack a carryon suitcase is to layer your items like a Jenga game tower. If you have a soft case suitcase (which will give you a bit more space), you will find a pair of slats across the bottom dividing the case into three sections. Start your packing by “filling in” these sections with small items such as rolled underwear and socks, creating an even surface across the bottom. Then by alternating the waistband ends, layer your pants. Follow with shirts folded flat around 8½-by-11-inch pieces of card stock, alternating collared ends. Add sweaters on top to cushion the items most likely to wrinkle.

A sample packing list for a woman embarking on a three-day vacation, including the outfit worn on the plane will fit nicely between your carry-on bag and in your personal item. In the “base” color, choose two pairs of casual pants or skinny jeans, a basic coat, a jersey dress, a pair of dressy heels (a metallic is great), a pair of flats or boots, a belt, socks, a pair of tights, and a basic purse. In the “Energy” color, bring a patterned scarf (also featuring your “1st Base” color in the pattern), a sweater or blouse (maybe a print with your “energy” and “base” colors in it), and a bracelet. In the “Dramatic” color, pack a dressy dress, a sweater, jewelry (including a statement necklace), and a scarf.

For a man, I suggest using the “1st Base” color in two pairs of casual pants, a basic three-quarter-length coat, a blazer (textured or with a subtle pattern), a zip-front, V-neck, or crew-neck sweater, a crew-neck T-shirt, a pair of casual slip-on shoes or boots, a pair of dress loafers, a basic belt, and socks. In the “Energy” color, pack a patterned scarf (best is if it has your “1st Base” color in the pattern), a pair of casual pants or corduroys, and a turtleneck or button-front shirt (this could be patterned with your “Energy” and “1st Base” colors.) In the “Dramatic” color, pack a v-neck or crew-neck sweater and a button-front dress shirt.

Have a fantastic trip!