How to Shop for a Hat

If you are thinking of adding some headgear to your Spring wardrobe, keep in mind these tips from How to Win at Shopping:

-Tilt a hat at different angles when trying it on.

– Take a cue from the shapes found in your face when trying on hats. Try a fedora worn asymmetrically for angular features, rock a slouchy beret with an oval face, or sport a cloche to partner with a rounded face.

-Don’t pass up a hat that is too large. The size can be reduced by hand-tacking the inside sweatband or by adding a bit of adhesive foam weather stripping underneath it.

-Unless you have access to a professional milliner’s block to stretch it to your correct size, don’t purchase a hat that is too small.

-Keep in mind that hats can be embellished!

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from David Zyla.